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First Name
Last Name
Rate yourself from 1 (low) to 10 (high or great)
Positive Attitude
Hard Worker
Embraces Culture
Promotes Culture
Clear Communicator
Answer the following questions (Worship role)
1. What did you do this year that you are proud of?
2. What did you do this year that you are not proud of?
3. What is one area you need to grow in to take your leadership to the next level?
4. How did you help the team win this year?
5. How can I help you?
6. If you were me, what would you do differently?
Answer the following questions (Groups role)
1. What did you do this year that you are proud of?
2. What did you do this year that you are not proud of?
3. What is one area you need to grow in to take your leadership to the next level?
4. How did you help the team win this year?
5. How can I help you?
6. If you were me, what would you do differently?
What group(s) are you part of?
How are you doing spiritually? (Spiritual habits: bible reading, prayer, worship)
How is your marriage? (anything I need to know)
Are you up-to-date on your tithes?
Books your currently reading or have read?
Personal goals for this year?
Anything else you would like to share? (how can I be praying for you)
Thank you!